Are you ready to have a Baby?


Newborn baby checklist:

  • Breast Pump
  • Baby Bottles
  • Newborn Diapers
  • Crib, Bassinet, mobile crib, or “pack n plays’
  • Swaddle Blankets
  • Newborn Car Seat
  • Maxi Pads, Ice Packs
  • Baby PJ’s

Breast Pumpwoman and baby

If you plan on breastfeeding, a breast pump is an essential item. It’s great for helping with stimulating milk production, in those first days postpartum. Breast pumps allow tired moms to rest while their partner feeds the baby, with a bottle of breast milk., Invest in plenty of baby bottles, you are going to need them; newborns eat every two hours the first few weeks.


Whether you’re are using disposables diapers, or cloth, you’ll want to have some waiting at home, for those many changes you’ll be doing in the first few days of your newborn’s life. Only buy a small pack of disposable diapers, your baby will likely grow out of them within the first two weeks.

Baby cribs & other essentials

Things to consider when buying a baby bed: bassinets are nice to look at, but are quickly outgrown. Secondhand cribs, and bassinets are not recommended since they are likely not up to the updated federal safety standards.

To help prevent against Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), be sure to purchase a firm mattress that is appropriately-sized for your crib.

Swaddling Blankets

Most newborns take comfort in the soothing act of swaddling. Choose blankets that are the right shape, and size: you can either buy blankets specifically designed for swaddling, or choose lightweight square-shaped baby blankets for wrapping.

Baby car seat

A newborn car seat is imperative to your baby’s first journey home from the hospital; it will prove to be worth its weight in gold, as many infants find them to be cozy spots for napping as well. Be sure to thoroughly read through the instruction manual, and learn how to adjust your seat belt straps to fit the car seat.

Ice Packs & Mini Pads

women baby

Expect fairly heavy bleeding for three to five days after you give birth; this is the first stage of the postpartum vaginal discharge, known as lochia. Depending on the woman, the bleeding , and discharge may last from two to six weeks; so be sure to stock your bathroom with plenty of maxi pads, not tampons. You cannot use tampons after childbirth; it is recommended to refrain from using them for three to six moths after delivery. Ice packs are helpful for numbing any soreness, and swelling you might experience from the delivery; or, if you have a C-section.

Baby PJ’s

Stock your baby’s dresser with onesies, those cute baby jumpsuits, but consider also picking up a few two-piece top and pant sets. It’s important to choose clothing that isn’t too tight to avoid baby rashes in newborns.

This article was last updated on: July 12, 2018